Update für Diablo 4: Bugfixes nach Zir's Schlachthaus - Glyphenfehler behoben

Geschrieben von playsofspace am 06.12.2023 um 16:47
Kommentare (1)

Zeitgleich mit dem neuen Event Zir's Schlachthaus kamen auch einige Bugs mit ins Spiel. Bei den Bugs handelt es sich hauptsächlich um Fehler im Glyphensystem. Blizzard Mitarbeiter Adam Fletcher meldet sich in einem Forum Post nun zu den Bugs und äußert sich wie folgt:

The team has identified an issue that players are experiencing with paragon glyphs showcasing misrepresented levels from the levels achieved prior to the 1.2.3 update. We plan on addressing this on PC with a new client update that will be shipping later today. We will update players on timing of this release once available.

For console users, we plan on releasing an update with Xbox and PlayStation as soon as it becomes available. We will have updated timing later today.

Users that were max level on paragon glyph XP, you can re-level the glyphs in the meantime if you prefer until the fix is available. For those that were below the max glyph XP, you can still progress your glyphs and after the fix will have that glyph XP added to the old amounts prior to the 1.2.3 update.

Separately, we have seen reports from players regarding the advanced tooltip on the Tears of Blood glyph mentioning it is additive as opposed to multiplicative. This is a known issue that we noted on Friday.

This issue requires a client update and will also be addressed in the above fix once that patch becomes available.

We apologize for the issue and the inconvenience. The team is working on this as quickly as possible.

Diablo 4 Tears of Blood

Spieler stellten fest, dass Ihre bereits gelevelten Glyphen nun niedrigere Level besitzen als vor dem Patch 1.2.3. Möchte man die Glyphe von Hand neu leveln, benötigen diese jetzt sogar mehr XP. Trotz des Glyphen-XP Buffs im Patch 1.2.3 brauchen Spieler jetzt genau so lang oder sogar mehr Zeit um Ihre eigentlich bereits gelevelten Glyphen zu leveln. Außerdem erhält man durch die neue Rune Tränen des Blutes nur additiven statt multiplaktiven Schaden. Mitlerweile ist auch schon der Hotfix mit den Fehlerbehebungen erschienen.

1.2.3a Build #47954 (PC) - December 5, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the resource draining effect from Melted Heart of Selig could cause performance issues in PvP.

Developer’s Note: The effect will no longer count as spending resource in PvP contexts to alleviate these performance issues.

  • Fixed an issue where the Tooltip for the Tears of Blood Glyph indicated that the damage bonus was additive when it was instead multiplicative.
  • Fixed an issue where Paragon glyph experience increased, which resulted in active glyphs to lose levels.
  • Fixed an issue where Tier 7 and Tier 8 Bloodforged Sigils had incorrect sigil dust rewards when being salvaged.

Quelle: Blizzard

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Geschrieben von Gast am 20.12.2023 um 17:11

ich denke die siegelpulver kosten für schlachthaus sollen von 800 auf 150-270 reduziert werden ? kosten immernoch 800 wenn das begrenzter event is wann soll das denn geschejn mit dem reduzieren ??

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