Blizzard schickt Emails mit Statistiken zu Diablo 4 Season 3 an Spieler

Geschrieben von Swallace am 25.05.2024 um 16:17
Kommentare (1)

Ihr wollt wissen, wie ihr in der Saison des Konstrukts von Diablo 4 performt habt? Blizzard schickt aktuell Emails an Spieler aus, die in Diablo 4 Season 3 aktiv waren. Neben den globalen Statistiken zur vergangenen Season, stehen in der Nachricht auch persönliche Statistiken, wie etwa die im Spiel verbrachten Spielstunden, der höchste Score der Gauntlet Herausforderung, geschlachtete Monster, abgeschlossene Nightmare Vaults, gelevelte Seneschall-Steine und besiegte Konstrukte.

Email Statistiken

Beneath the deserts of Kehjistan lies the carnage of the enemies you’ve vanquished, [Wanderer]. By sifting through the surrounding sand, we’ve excavated a collection of community accomplishments from Diablo® IV’s Season of the Construct.

The glory of battle has welcomed many boons, with over 202 million Uniques acquired over the course of this season and 97 million Seneschal Stones leveled. This hard-earned loot came at a cost, however, and resulted in a truly monstrous player death toll: 48.7 million died at the hand of Malphas’s Constructs and the Keeper of the Vaults himself slaughtered 6.7 million.

Despite the losses suffered, in the end the stronger party prevailed—Malphas was defeated 7.5 million times. With this unholy servant of Diablo slain and the stolen Loom destroyed, Sanctuary lives on and its champions can venture forth into Season 4: Loot Reborn.

Quelle: Wowhead

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